Taking images of food is an underrated art and most individuals do not know how much they can earn by becoming a professional food blogger. To become a food blogger, all one needs to do is to take attractive, clear and high-quality food pictures and upload them on social media, especially Instagram. Thousands of people fail to become professional food bloggers because the device they use to capture pictures has lower image resolution. Therefore, those exploring options to buy cameras in Australia must keep this factor in mind.
Nowadays, food blogging has also become a hobby of foodies and those who love to cook. Many people have millions of followers on Instagram but some only have few followers despite the fact that they try their level best yet fail in becoming professional food bloggers.
Given below are some tricks that when followed, will help one a lot to efficiently photograph food for Instagram:
- 1) Capture in Natural Light
While snapping the food with our devices, we forget one of the most important factors that we need to get a good picture that is filled with light. Turn off extra indoor lights and try taking pictures outdoors instead if possible. This will help keep your shots from looking unclear and from having unappealing colour. Try to find the best place with natural light at the venue where the picture is to be clicked.
2) Take Time to Compose a Shot
Do not start clicking the pictures abruptly, take time to think about how you can make it better. Note whether the lightning is appropriate or not and check for some other things that are not supposed to be in the frame or remove them beforehand.
3) Make Your Caption Interesting
Regardless of how good a picture is, if the caption is boring, it will always have a negative impact on the viewer. To catch your reader’s attention, try to make the caption interesting by telling a story, personal experience, a joke, or such similar thing.
4) Use the Right Editing Apps
Editing is an important part of taking professional pictures. It can either ruin a great picture or can glorify a dull picture. Always use the right editing app to adjust brightness, shadows, contrast etc. Remember it is not always necessary to edit a picture if you think that the picture is already nice then there is absolutely no need to edit it.
5) Use Colors
Using colours in a picture is always a good idea as it captures attention and is loved by everyone. Try to make your plate or platter as colourful as possible. Use ripe fruits, raw vegetables, and colourful cutlery to make the picture of the food item attractive.
6) Do Not Overload
If all the edibles are not fitting easily in a single picture, do not try to adjust them as it can destroy the beauty of the whole picture. Try to capture only as much portion of food which you can easily focus on. Divide the plate into two portions and capture them separately.