Whether you are a parent or a student, college is one of the exciting moments that you will encounter in life, and this is also the turning point for some of us. Families of different backgrounds and cultures might want to seek an education where academic and spiritual growth are nurtured, even in a society where some conversations are difficult to open up. But how do colleges keep the balance of integrating religious teachings with academic studies? Let’s find out how an Islamic College fosters this holistic educational development.
What is an Islamic college?
An Islamic college is a faith-based educational institution integrating Islamic principles and mainstream academic curricula, providing high-quality education while still nurturing spiritual growth through promoting values that alight with multiculturalism and diversity.
With this commitment, here are some of the things Islamic colleges inject into their education system:
Dual commitment to faith and knowledge. A balance between science and religion gives a deeper appreciation of the connection to a broader world, and this works because of the willingness to listen and understand the discourse of both fields. Respect for each other is important to build a more productive way of communicating difficult conversations, where navigating through both fields has always been on the periphery.
Tailoring education to Australian values. Cultural inclusivity is important to foster a sense of belonging among students. While the schools are grounded in Islamic principles, they actively embrace the diverse cultural fabric of Australia. This means that students are provided with a shared history by involving them in community engagement.
Academic excellence hand in hand with spiritual growth. Islamic colleges commit themselves to academic achievement by providing well-rounded education, encouraging students to volunteer in organisations, in addition to integrating religious studies into the daily routine. Imposing discipline and time-management skills through prayer times and Quranic recitations will help the students remember that even if you are in an institution, amidst the hustle and bustle, you need to find time for prayer.
The Role of Parents and Community
Parents are considered partners in the education of their children, because with their engagement, colleges like this can tailor their programmes to reflect the values of the community.
However, colleges must also understand the importance of having difficult conversations that need to be addressed, especially if a certain tradition does not need to be carried over to the next generation. This may impose a challenge to these colleges, as there are still misconceptions about Islamic education.
Fortunately, this is also an opportunity to shift perceptions and build bridges between cultures because of how these colleges contribute to the community through engagement activities.
Faith and modernity can exist harmoniously.
In a multicultural society, the idea of creating a utopia is actually not the case. Challenges within the community are there so each culture can grow and adapt with one another. This is the goal of Islamic colleges, where the complexities of modern life are navigated harmoniously because there is already an established sense of identity among them, making them resilient and adaptable in any situation.